« Popoli: Marriages 1810 »

CAFARELLI Gieseppe, born in Popoli, son of Croce and ANGELONE Angela
Married: RICO Apollonia, born in Popoli, daughter of Gieseppe and IPPOLITI Maria
Date: 1 Mar 1810
CASTRICONE Angelosante, born in Popoli, son of Francesco and GERMANO Domenica
Married: SANTACROCE Domenica Rosa, born in Popoli, daughter of Pasquale and SCIPIONE Mattia
Date: 14 Feb 1810
CASTRICONE Giovanni, born in Popoli, son of Camillo and LATTANZIO Loreta
Married: VITONE Anna Rosa, born in Popoli, daughter of Giobanni and DE BENEDICTIS Domenica
Date: 2 Mar 1810
CIALONE Vincenzo, born in Popoli, son of Criscenzo and DI BIASE Pasqua
Married: SARRA Vincenza, born in Popoli, daughter of Giuseppe and DIODATI Dorotea
Date: 16 Feb 1810
COMBATTELLI Giuseppe, born in Popoli, son of Ambrogio and ORSINI Cresenza
Married: FRASCARELLA Olimpia, born in Popoli, daughter of Silvestro and DI BIASE Carmina
Date: 24 Dec 1810
CORAZZINI Bonifacio, born in Popoli, son of Nicolangelo and DELLA ROCCA Maria
Married: LATTANZIO Maria Giuseppa, born in Popoli, daughter of Domenico and CAVALLARO Maria Giuseppa
Date: 21 Jan 1810
D'ANGELO Vincenzo, born in Popoli, son of Carlo and COMBATTELLI Marta
Married: D'AMATO Giuditta, born in Popoli, daughter of Vincenzo and SANTORO Camilla
Date: 14 Dec 1810
D'AMATO Giovannantonio, born in Popoli, son of Marco and ZAINO Dominica
Married: PIZZUTI Maria Stella, born in Popoli, daughter of Ambrogio and RICO Agata
Date: 22 May 1810
DAMMIANI Bartolomeo, born in Popoli, son of Giampaolo and ANTINARELLA Filippa
Married: RICO Maria Vincenza, born in Popoli, daughter of Nicola and ROSATI Dommitilla
Date: 20 Dec 1810
DE BENEDICTIS Giuseppe, born in Popoli, son of Gaetano and FAIELLA Maria
Married: SULPRIZIO Dominica, born in Popoli, daughter of Gioacchino and GENTILE Zenobia
Date: 20 Feb 1810
DE BENEDICTIS Pasquale, born in Popoli, son of Domenico Antonio and ANTONUCCI Maria
Married: CAPRANICO Concetta, born in Popoli, daughter of Giuseppe and D'ASCANIO Maria Giuseppa
Date: 5 Feb 1810
DI LUCA Raffaele, born in Popoli, son of Giacobbe and GENTILE Rosalba
Married: DI CICCIO Maria Emanuela, born in Popoli, daughter of Vincenzo and VILLA Antonia
Date: 12 Apr 1810
DINTINO Francesco Paola, born in Caramanico, son of Carlo and ROSSI Francesca
Married: MARTINEZ Orsola, born in Popoli, daughter of Giacomo and MINCONE Maria
Date: 16 Nov 1810
FORCUCCI Antonio, born in Popoli, son of Francescantonio and PERSICO Filippa
Married: AQUILIO Maria Carolina, born in Popoli, daughter of Pietro and CUTARELLI Maria Francesca
Date: 19 Jan 1810
FRASCARELLA Emiddio, born in Popoli, son of Paolantonio and VERNACOTOLA Caterina
Married: PIZZONE Anna Santa, born in Popoli, daughter of Francesco and MARZOLA Domenica Rosa
Date: 17 Feb 1810
GENTILE Giovanni, born in Popoli, son of Crescenzo and PETTINELLA Cristina
Married: CORRAZZINI Angela, born in Popoli, daughter of Silvestro and FRASCARELLA Annantonia
Date: 25 Jan 1810
GENTILE Giuseppe, born in Popoli, son of Crescenzo and PETTINELLA Cristina
Married: CORRAZZINI Concetta, born in Popoli, daughter of Silvestro and FRASCARELLA Annantonia
Date: 25 Jan 1810
LATTANZIO Biase, born in Popoli, son of Domenico and CAVALLARO Anna
Married: DELLA ROCA Filippa, born in Popoli, daughter of Gaetano and PACE Dominica
Date: 21 Jan 1810
LATTANZIO Germano, born in Popoli, son of Bonifacio and DE BENEDICTIS Serafina
Married: PUCCILLI Concetta, born in Popoli, daughter of Biase and DI SANTO SPIRITO Anna Maria
Date: 22 Feb 1810
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